Halloween Fun
The children were filled with excitement when they arrived into school this morning. Thanks to the Parents Association for decorating the school so well.
Third Class & Infants Buddy P.E Session
Third Class designed and led a P.E. lesson with Junior and Senior Infants on the first Day of Active Week. The children in both classes had a great time and…
Lá Glas
Bhí an spórt is spraoi ag na leanaí inniu. D’fhoghlaim siad damhsa nua agus d’éist siad le scéal faoi Naomh Pádraig. Chan siad amhráin agus bhí siad ag damhsa sa…
Food Dudes
Children from Infants to Sixth Class have taken part in Food Dudes Week from the 6th to the 10th of March. They received a portion of fruit and veg each…
World Book Day Celebrations
To celebrate World Book Day, children in Ogonnelloe N.S dressed up as a character from their favourite book. Classes enjoyed a range of fun activities throughout the day ranging from…
Maths Fun in 3rd Class September 2021
We are having fun learning maths in 3rd class. Have a look at some of our activity:
Welcome Back Third Class
Third Class pupils were very happy to be back at school for the new school year 2021/22. We made “Jitter-Juice” and we blew all our jitters and worries into our…