Welcome to the website of Ogonnelloe National School.
We hope it gives visitors an insight into life in our school as well as keeping parents and the wider school community up to date with current events and initiatives that are taking place.
Our school has a staff of five mainstream teachers, including the Principal, two SET teachers, two special needs assistants, a part-time secretary and caretaker. There are currently 104 pupils attending the school.
The students of Ogonnelloe N.S. take part in a wide variety of activities and competitions including hurling, camogie, basketball, quizzes, music, drama, debating, art, science, gardening and French. The school has earned seven Green School flags; for waste reduction, energy conservation, water conservation, sustainable travel, biodiversity, Global Citizenship: Litter & Waste and Global Citizenship: Energy. We have been awarded two Active School flags to date and in 2023 we took part in the Amber Flag Initiative.
Ogonnelloe N.S. has taken part in the Creative Arts School Initiative and most recently the Artist in Residency Programme. The school installed a new polytunnel in April of 2023 which is an amazing resource for the entire school community.
We are very excited to announce that a Before and After School Childcare Service is currently available in our school. This service opened in January 2025 and is run by Homework Hub & Activity Centre. For information on this service call 061 373 458 or email ogonnelloe@homeworkhub.ie